Social Thinking-Stevens Creek located in San Jose, CA

We help you meet your social goals

By focusing on teaching functional strategies, we enhance:

* Self-regulation
* Social-emotional learning
* Executive functioning
* Perspective taking
* Social problem solving

What is Social Thinking®?

Thinking socially is what we do when we’re around others, when we send an email, sit in a classroom, line up at the grocery store, read a work of fiction, watch a funny video, participate in a business meeting, drive in traffic, and engage in a host of other daily activities. It's an incredibly complex process that most of us take for granted! Social skills - what we do in a social situation - are a result of our social thinking.

Social Thinking®, developed by Michelle Garcia Winner, helps individuals to explore their own social cognition and related social skills. Rather than teaching individuals to memorize a set of behaviors, we help them to learn more about the social world around them and how to adapt to meet their own social goals.


Who we serve


The Social Thinking® Methodology is designed to help individuals with solid language and learning abilities - those who are using language to learn versus still learning language. We see clients as young as 4 years old up into adulthood. Our clients are seen individually or in well matched, developmentally appropriate peer groups led by a highly trained and licensed social cognitive specialist.

What we do


for Ages 4-7

Help Your Young Child Develop Foundational Social Competencies

For Ages 8-18

Encourage the Development of Social Learning and Self-Regulation

For Adults

Learn Practical Strategies to Develop More Positive Social Relationships

 What our clients are saying

“My daughter has been a client for over six years in both individual therapy and social groups. Although my daughter will always have social cognitive challenges, she’s grown and flourished with the help and support of our therapist. My daughter is now a junior in high school and I am so proud of how far she’s come, and thankful for Social Thinking-Stevens Creek!”

Happy Mom of a 16 year old